This lab focuses on agglomerative clustering for determining the similarity of documents. At the end of the lab, you should be able to:
Let's start by importing the packages we'll need. As usual, we'll import pandas
for exploratory analysis, but this week we're also going to use the cluster
subpackage from scikit-learn
to create agglomerative clustering models and the standard Python package urllib2
to download documents from Project Gutenberg.
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%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import urllib2
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer
In this lab, we're going to cluster documents by the similarity of their text content. For this, we'll need to download some documents to cluster. The following dictionary maps the names of various texts to their corresponding URLs at Project Gutenberg.
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urls = {
'The Iliad - Homer': '',
'The Odyssey - Homer': '',
'Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare': '',
'Hamlet - William Shakespeare': '',
'Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain': '',
'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain': '',
'A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens': '',
'Great Expectations - Charles Dickens': '',
'Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens': '',
'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle': ''
Next, we need to download the texts located at the URLs. We can do this using Python's urllib2
package, which is part of the standard Python library. The following code will download the content of each URL and store it in the documents
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documents = {}
for name, url in urls.items():
response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
document =
documents[name] = document
Finally, we can create a pandas
data frame to represent our document data:
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df = pd.DataFrame([documents[name] for name in sorted(documents)], index=sorted(documents), columns=['text'])
Let's build an agglomerative clustering model of the document data. As with $K$-means clustering, scikit-learn
supports agglomerative clustering functionality via the cluster
subpackage. We can use the AgglomerativeClustering
class to build our model.
As with other scikit-learn
estimators, AgglomerativeClustering
accepts a number of different hyperparameters. We can get a list of these modelling parameters using the get_params
method of the estimator (this works on any scikit-learn
estimator), like this:
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You can find a more detailed description of each parameter in the scikit-learn
As our data is in text format, we'll need to convert it into a numerical representation so that it can be understood by the clustering algorithm. One way to do this is by converting the document texts into vectors of TF-IDF scores, just as we did when building the spam classifier. This way, the clustering algorithm will identify documents with similar TF-IDF score vectors. This should result in clusters containing documents with similar text content, because if two documents have similar TF-IDF vectors, then they must contain the same words, occurring with the same frequencies.
Note: Comparing TF-IDF score vectors is one - but not the only - way to determine whether documents have similar content.
As with the spam classification example, we can use a pipeline to connect the TfidfVectorizer
to the AgglomerativeClustering
algorithm. Because of a snag in the way scikit-learn
is coded, the AgglomerativeClustering
class only accepts dense matrices as inputs and, unfortunately, TfidfVectorizer
produces sparse matrix output. However, this is easily recified by inserting a FunctionTransformer
(essentially, a custom function) between the two that converts the sparse input to dense input.
The code specifying the pipeline and fitting the data is shown below. Note that, as with $K$-means clustering, agglomerative clustering is an unsupervised learning algorithm, and so we don't need to specify a target variable ($y$) when fitting the model.
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X = df['text']
# Construct a pipeline: TF-IDF -> Sparse to Dense -> Clustering
pipeline = make_pipeline(
FunctionTransformer(lambda x: x.todense(), accept_sparse=True),
AgglomerativeClustering(linkage='average') # Use average linkage
pipeline =
Once we've fitted the data to the pipeline, we can extract the fitted agglomerative clustering model to see what clusters were formed. To extract the model, we can use the named_steps
attribute of the pipeline, which is a dictionary mapping the names (in lowercase) of each stage in the pipeline to the corresponding models.
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As can be seen, our clustering model is stored under the key 'agglomerativeclustering'
, and so we can extract it as follows:
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model = pipeline.named_steps['agglomerativeclustering']
Currently, scikit-learn
does not support plotting dendrograms out of the box. However, the authors have provided the following code snippet for anyone who wants to do so:
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# Original source:
import numpy as np
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram
def plot_dendrogram(model, **kwargs):
# Children of hierarchical clustering
children = model.children_
# Distances between each pair of children
# Since we don't have this information, we can use a uniform one for plotting
distance = np.arange(children.shape[0])
# The number of observations contained in each cluster level
no_of_observations = np.arange(2, children.shape[0] + 2)
# Create linkage matrix and then plot the dendrogram
linkage_matrix = np.column_stack([children, distance, no_of_observations]).astype(float)
# Plot the corresponding dendrogram
dendrogram(linkage_matrix, **kwargs)
Finally, we can call the plot_dendrogram
function to plot a dendrogram of our model, as follows:
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plot_dendrogram(model, labels=X.index, orientation='right')
As can be seen, clustering by TF-IDF score vectors results in texts written by the same author or at roughly the same point in time being grouped together. This makes sense when you consider that TF-IDF scores represent the frequency of use of certain terms, which may be indicative of an individual author's style or the style of writing at a certain point in history.